Vision and Ethos

Vision & Ethos (PDF Document)

At NSN we promote Excellence for All


Excellence… in our achievements

So that all children at NSN make excellent progress while they are at the school.

Excellence… as learners

We are self-motivated, curious and tenacious with the confidence to ‘have a go’ and never give up.

Excellence… for our families and our community

We provide a welcoming environment and share responsibility with families to develop and support our community.

Excellence… in our relationships with others

We have consistently high expectations of, and care for, each other. We are polite, tolerant and respectful at all times.

Excellence… as staff and governors

We share collective responsibility for every learner and are united in our enthusiasm for learning.

Excellence… in our lives

We have high aspirations for ourselves and others, remaining positive in times of challenge and taking pride in each other’s successes. We want to be the best we can be. We are kind and we understand our rights and responsibilities to ourselves and others.


Our ethos is clear…

We believe that children come to school to be safe and that children come to school to learn. Our Restorative Practice approach  ensures that children feel and are safe. This strong ethos also supports our children to develop strong and healthy attitudes to learning through our focus on our 8 learning behaviours that underpin all classroom learning. We recognise that our children need strong academic guidance in English, Maths and Science learning and we seek to build clear and robust learning that both supports and challenges a broad range of learners. All learning is built around clearly shared success criteria and each session seeks to develop independent learning as children are guided to self select from Deep, Basic and Advanced challenges to develop their skills around the learning focus for that session.  Our broad and balanced curriculum for the National Curriculum foundation subjects is rooted in PSHE, Safeguarding and SMSC values,  as well as developing a cross curricular, enquiry based topic themed approach to learning captured in our unique

A SUPERHERO curriculum. This curriculum seeks to motivate, support, enthuse and empower our children to learn about the near and wider world around them and encourage them to be curious and creative and articulate in the knowledge they acquire as they learn. Our Restorative Practice  Principles underpin all we do to make our school a kind, thoughtful, safe, interesting, stimulating, engaging, calm and focused  learning environment to learn in. It is safe to explore ideas, ask questions, seek support, ask for guidance and acknowledge that mistakes are how we all learn as long as we reflect on what we need to change to find solutions, to grow and to develop as responsible human beings and future world citizens.

Our school seeks to prepare our children to be prepared for the challenges in the wider world and to engage successfully with the next stage of their education. Our job is to ensure our children are resilient and robust , confident and engaged with the opportunities available in 21st Century Britain and for them to thrive, because they know how to stay safe and how to learn well in order to maximise their own individual potential.

We believe that it is our mission to ensure that our children:

> Develop their character / personality and confidence and acquire positive learning behaviours by engaging proactively with our 8 learning behaviours.

> Build knowledge and skills by being supported, guided and challenged through strong and clear academic guidance.

> Broaden their life skills and their experiences through our A SUPERHERO curriculum.

> Are supported, challenged and nurtured through our Whole School Restorative Practice approach and our determination to ensure high expectations captured in our school mantras: Look Smart, Think Smart, Be Smart learners and to always Think Kind Thoughts, Have Kind Behaviour, Say Kind Words.


In everything we do we ensure that the school operates a policy of equal opportunities, regardless of gender, race, ability or religion.