Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page!



Polar Bears –Ms Chillman and Ms Greenslade



Ermines – Miss Stafford and Miss Knights




Here at Northfield St Nicholas, we love to read! We have a daily reading session, following the Cusp curriculum. Lessons focus on a core text. . The core text is supplemented by a variety of additional texts, to support children developing their reading fluency and confidence, across a range of text types. This  half term our core text is  ‘The Queen’s Nose’ by Dick King Smith. Alongside reading lessons,  all children have a reading book based on their assessment level. They will read this at school and must read at least 3 times a week at home and log this on BoomReader.  https://www.boomreader.co.uk/  If you need support with this please speak to your child’s class teacher.


Every Monday, the children have the opportunity to visit our school’s ‘Lost Library’. During their weekly library sessions children can change their existing library books. These are taken home for them to enjoy in their home setting!



Here at NSN, we follow CUSP for our writing curriculum. CUSP  provides an ambitious curriculum, covering the necessary skills required to be successful readers and writers.

This half term we will be using persuasive writing skills to write an advert. We will think about using powerful adjectives, superlatives, use alliteration and a range of punctuation for effect.


At Northfield St Nicholas, we adopt a Mastery approach during our daily Maths lessons. The mastery approach supports children in becoming fluent and confident mathematicians. Maths lessons include ‘Flashback 4’ where children  recap 4 previously learnt skills, fluency activities and opportunities for children  to apply their knowledge to reasoning and problem solving. This half term, we will be covering the following Maths units: place value and addition and subtraction and how the two are linked. In Year 4 the children will take part in the annual multiplication check, so practising times tables is vital to their progress.


Please remember to log on to Times Table Rockstars 3 times a week:



This half term we will  be learning about living things and their habitats. We will learn about different classifications of animals and plants. We will learn what living things need to survive and that all living things are interdependent on one another in ecosystems.





This half term in Geography we will be learning about rivers are formed leading into developing our knowledge of the water cycle. We will learn about the different parts of a river and link this to our locality.


This half term in History we will be recapping our knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons and researching where they came from and why they chose to settle in Britain.




PE takes place on a Thursday. Please ensure your child arrives to school in full PE kit. This half term we will be practising ball skills.