Mission Statement: At Northfield, we promote mutual respect through learning and celebrating different faiths. We aim to give all pupils knowledge and understanding of the six main world religions from EYFS to Year 6. This will improve the children’s understanding of the world around them, outside of their home town. Religious education at Northfield also intends to combat discrimination and judgement of different viewpoints and beliefs. Our aim is to produce kind, caring and open-minded individuals ready to face the wider world with understanding and respect.

This is our school promise that is recited at the beginning of all RE sessions to encourage mutual respect in lessons.

Enrichment Days: This year we are designing a bespoke curriculum suited to our school. This curriculum is enhanced by whole school Enrichment days that focus on a different religion each time. In Autumn we explored the Harvest Festival, Divali, Hanukkah and making Christingles at Christmas. As a school we collected, packed and sent shoe boxes to the Samaritan’s Purse Appeal and recently learned that our shoe boxes arrived in Belarus just in time for Christmas. We received an image of one of the children opening one of our boxes. The children were so excited to see where they ended up. In the Spring term we will be spending a day exploring Chinese New Year, Passover and Easter. Then finally in the Summer we will be learning about Ramadan and Buddhism.


Community Links: This academic year we have again joined with St. Margaret’s church to enrich the children’s knowledge of Christianity and it’s role in their local community. Year 5 and 6 held their Carol Concert there this year and we hope this will become an annual event. Rev. Simon Stokes holds monthly assemblies in school and in the Spring Term will be opening up the church to us as an extension of the classroom during RE sessions.

Something Special: Following the success of last year’s Buddhism Enrichment day, Mrs Last developed an area of calm reflection in the play ground. The Zen Zone is a wooden area with fairies and creatures hiding in the trees, a black board for the children to express themselves, wind chimes and light catchers in the trees and a shelter for reading and relaxing.


Gallery of RE at Northfield: