Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to our EYFS. Have a look at the photos below to see what we get up to in school!

Presentation for new parents – Powerpoint

Presentation for new parents – PDF


The Nursery and Reception classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This curriculum begins at birth and continues until the end of your child’s Reception year, when they are assessed against the Early Learning Goals (ELG).

The 3 prime areas:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development

The 4 specific areas:

  • literacy
  • maths
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

Our curriculum is based on play and developing independence. We provide a wide and balanced range of activities to promote learning. Sometimes these are led by an adult and other times led by the child; with them selecting the things they need. We plan around the children’s interests and learning needs. The Nursery and Reception classes share a spacious, purpose built outdoor area; we understand the importance of outdoor learning and the benefits it has on our pupils every day. We also share children’s learning through an online Learning Journey called Tapestry, and welcome regular contributions by parents and carers.

To find out more about this key stage, click the link below to go to our policies page where there is the Early Years Foundation Stage policy.

Policy Page