
Check when to apply for a school place according to your child’s date of birth

Admissions Consultation

REAch2 Academy Trust (the Trust), as the admission authority for all of its academies as per the admissions code 2021, is consulting on the admission arrangements for all of its schools. It is the responsibility of the Trust to determine the arrangements for all of its schools, ensuring that they are fully compliant with the admissions code 2021 and other statutory legislation, such as the Equalities Act 2010.

On 4 October 2023, the Trust Board approved several variations to the current arrangements, which seek to add clarity to a number of key definitions within the policy. The new policy also includes more information on how parents can access other admissions related information, including in-year admissions, appeals processes, and Fair Access Protocol’s.

The new policies do not propose any change to the school’s existing over-subscription criteria. The new policy seeks to make clear that children within the final category of the over-subscription criteria are ranked by the distance they live from the school. The Trust has therefore re-named this criterion from ‘other children’ to ‘distance’. Children within that criterion will still be ranked in the same way.

You can find the proposed school policy for 2025/2026 by visiting  Academy Directory – REAch2 Academy Trust

The consultation will run from 6  December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

We welcome feedback from all stakeholders on the proposed arrangements. Responses to the consultation may be placed by any of the following means:

  • By email [email protected]
  • Complete the e-form at
  • By post Admissions Consultation, REAch2 Academy Trust, C/O Henhurst Ridge Primary Academy, Henhurst Ridge, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 9TQ

Nursery Places

We have a 52 place Nursery which offers 26 morning and 26 afternoon sessions. The morning session starts from 08:45 and finishes at 11:45 and the afternoon session starts at 12:15 and finishes at 15:15.

We do offer 30 hour placements which can either be paid for or funded if you qualify for the 30 hours free government funding. To find out if you’re eligible for this funding please visit

To apply for a place in the nursery, please visit our school office to put your child’s name down on the waiting list. Children become eligible for a place the term after their third birthday.

We will contact you when a place becomes available, to invite you and your child to visit the nursery and meet our staff and take part in a stay and play session. We will also talk about our induction programme and how this supports your child to make a smooth and happy start to their life at the school. Nursery pupils transfer to the reception classes in the September following their fourth birthday.

School Places (Reception to Year 6)

The current Pupil Admission Numbers (PAN) is 60. This number tells you how many pupils we can have in each year group.

For children from Reception to Year 6 the school day runs as follows:

Doors will open at 8.40am for children to start entering the school. Prior to this children should be supervised by their parent/carer on the school site unless they are in Year 5/6 and their parent/carer has given written permission that they can walk to/from school on their own. 

School staff, who wear high vis jackets,  will be present outside from 8.35am and again at 3.10pm to answer simple/brief queries/messages from parents, take questions/resolve simple issues or support with minor first aid issues. Members of the senior leadership team and members of the pastoral care team are always available at one of the entrances to give advice/support/guidance.

The doors will remain open until 8.55am when the external school doors/classroom doors are closed.

From 8:55am onwards any child/ren who are late to school must report to the main school office where their parent/carer will need to sign them in to school.

All visitors or parents must be signed into the school via the front office lobby.

9am: External gates are locked and access to the school is only via the school side entrance adjacent to the staff car park where there is an intercom automatic gate lock in operation to speak directly to the school office and to gain entrance.

3:15pm: Children in EYFS and Years 1-4 can be collected by their parent/carer between 3.15pm and 3.25pm.
3.25pm: Children in Years 5 & 6 will be released by the class teacher either to the parent/carer who has come to collect or to walk home alone where we have received prior written permission for this.
Please note that non school staff/adults must not enter school with the children. All visitors or parents must be signed into the school via the front office lobby.

Attendance Card

All admissions for children starting at Northfield St Nicholas Primary Academy are made through the Local Authorities admission team. You can contact them at:

Constantine House,
Constantine Road,
IP1 2DH.

Telephone: 0845 600 0981 (local rate)
Email: [email protected]

You can download the latest information by clicking on the following link: 

Apply for a place online using the link below

Suffolk County Council

Admissions to School in Suffolk 2024-25

Further Information

Northfield St Nicholas Primary Academy – REAch2 Academy Trust

Reach2 Admission Policies