
At NSN we believe that each curriculum area should be inspired by ASUPERHERO (aspiration, sensory, unforgettable, progress, exciting, relevant, hope, emotional literacy, reading and opportunity). We believe Geography provides answers to questions about different aspects of our world. Children are encouraged to question, research and observe different aspects of our planet and their place within it. We promote the understanding of our own surroundings in order for it to be relevant to them, along with inspiring children to learn more about the world around us. At NSN, we believe the geography curriculum should provide children with transferable skills, which they can apply to other curriculum areas and promote their development. We encourage the use of reading, writing and mathematical skills within geography in order to promote the children’s vocabulary and to allow them to develop as a learner. As a school, we seek to create inquisitive and open minds about the world and its people in order to promote understanding of diversity among people and places.. The geography curriculum is designed to ensure children receive a progressive, enriching curriculum that develops children academically but also, personally.


NSN Geography How we do it here

NSN Geography Progression Map

Geography Vocabulary Progression