
Glow Worms


Welcome to the Reception

We are the Snails and the Glow Worms

Please come and visit our year group page regularly for updates of what we’re getting up to whilst in school!

Things you’ll need in school daily

  • School uniform (all named)
  • Coat
  • Book bag
  • Water bottle- only water please, no juice or squash.
  • Reading book/Library book
  • Spare clothes


In Reception during Spring Term we will be exploring the theme ‘Wonderful Woodlands’

We will explore the following texts

National Trust: Look What I Found in the Woods Owl Babies The Squirrels Who Squabbled: Rachel Bright The Gruffalo (The Gruffalo, 1)

There's No Deer Around Here : Andy Hussey, Rosie Venner: Books

Have a look at our knowledge organiser for this half term:

At Northfield St Nicholas we follow Read, Write Inc phonics. The children in Reception have started to learn a sound a day. Please check your child’s Tapestry account to see our daily updates and how to support your child at home with saying and writing the sound.

Read Write Inc. Phonics - Welton St Mary's Academy

In EYFS we follow the White Rose Maths scheme.

Throughout the year children will explore

  • Matching and sorting
  • Comparing amounts
  • Representing, comparing and the composition of numbers to 10
  • One more and one less
  • 2D shapes
  • Comparing size, mass and capacity
  • Pattern
  • Number bonds to 10
  • 3D shapes

In Reception we love to learn outside, we go outside come rain or shine and enjoy accessing lots of different activities and learning opportunities.


We look forward to sharing lots of our leaning with you soon!


Key information:

PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING! If items are misplaced they are much easier to return if they are clearly named. This includes water bottles, lunch boxes, shoes and ALL uniform.

We have PE on a Friday. Please ensure that the children come to school in their PE kit (red polo t shirt, black shorts and velcro trainers or plimsolls) on this day.


At Northfield St Nicholas we love to read!

Every child will take home a school reading book that is linked to their reading assessment. These booked are changed regularly.

Remember to read at least 3 times a week at home.

Every week children have the opportunity to visit our school’s ‘Lost Library’

During their weekly library sessions children can change their existing library books. These are taken home for them to enjoy in their home setting!

Remember to bring your library book to school on your library day so you can change it!

Key websites for learning at home.

Oxford Owl – reading and maths resources

ICT games – literacy and maths games

Nrich maths  – great ideas for using maths through play  –

CBeebies – Alphablocks –