Welcome to Year 1!
Flying Squirrels – Miss Murphy and Mrs Spelman
Porcupines – Miss Sawyer and Mrs Shadwell
Here at Northfield St Nicholas, we love to read! We have a daily reading session, with a core text. This half term our core texts are ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon and ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. The core texts are supplemented by a variety of additional texts, to support children developing their reading fluency and confidence across a range of text types.
All children have a reading book based on their assessment
level. Please remember to read at least 3 times a week and log this on BoomReader. Phonics forms an important aspect of supporting young children with developing the skills they need to begin to read and write, please support your child to sound out and blend words within the home setting.
Every Friday, the children have the opportunity to visit our school’s ‘Lost Library’. During their weekly library sessions children can change their existing library books. These are taken home for them to enjoy in their home setting!
Here at NSN, we follow CUSP for our writing curriculum. In Year 1, children take part in small group sessions which ensure that written work, spelling, phonics, grammar and punctuation are developed gradually through their writing.
Our writing lessons are taught in six steps. In each session, you could expect to see…
This half term we will be reading and discussing different poems, recognising rhyme and counting syllables in words. As well, the children will be choosing vocabulary to describe a setting before attempting to write a sentence.
At Northfield St Nicholas, we follow The White Rose Maths scheme of learning. It follows the national curriculum with a mastery approach to maths with a range of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving elements. This half term the children will be covering place value (within 10), using concrete pictorial and abstract resources and questioning to promote a greater understanding.
We will be having a big push on times tables in Year 1. The children will need to be able to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 by the end of the year. We will be working on these during lessons and mental math sessions but please support your child in developing these further by practising regularly in the home setting on Times Table Rockstars or NumBots.
As Scientists this half term, we will be understanding how the weather changes in each of the four seasons and how they day length varies throughout the year. We will be working scientifically by observing and recording the weather. The children will also get the opportunity to create a rain gauge to collect data on rainfall.
As geographers the children will be learning the seven continents and the five oceans. They will also explore the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom
As Historians, the children will be finding out about how things have changed within living memory. This will involve looking at the children’s grandparents and comparing childhoods with what the children experience today. This will include looking at the changes in communication throughout the years, houses and the types of toys and how they have developed.
PE takes place on a Friday. Please ensure your child arrives to school in full PE kit. This half term the children will be learning the importance of team work through a range of team building games.