Welcome to Year 5

Angler Fish – Mr Coates

Tiger Sharks – Mrs Southgate


Here at Northfield St Nicholas, we love to read! We have a daily reading session, with a core text. This half term, our core texts are ‘I Am Not a Label’ by Cerrie Burnell and ‘Boy in the Tower’ by  Polly Ho-Yen.  The core text is supplemented by a variety of additional texts, to support children developing their reading fluency and confidence across a range of text types.

All children have a reading book based on their assessment level. Please remember to read at least 3 times a week and log this on BoomReader. 

Every Wednesday, the children have the opportunity to visit our school’s ‘Lost Library’. During their weekly library sessions children can change their existing library books. These are taken home for them to enjoy in their home setting!

Read, read, read and read! 


Here at NSN, we follow CUSP for our writing curriculum. CUSP  provides an ambitious curriculum, covering the necessary skills required to be successful readers and writers, who are prepared for high school.

This half  term we will be writing: narratives, formal letters, playscripts, biographies and poems. We will revisit skills including: speech, use of progressive past tense and using effective devices to describe characters, settings and atmosphere.


At Northfield St Nicholas, we adopt a Mastery approach during our daily Maths lessons. The mastery approach supports children in becoming fluent and confident mathematicians. Maths lessons include ‘Flashback 4’ where children  recap 4 previously learnt skills, fluency activities and opportunities for children  to apply their knowledge to reasoning and problem solving. This half term, we will be covering the following maths units:  multiplication, division, fractions, decimal, percentages, perimeter, area and statistics.

Times tables!

Don’t forget to practise your times tables at home! In order to be able to recall times tables facts fluently, children need to practise as often as possible. This can often be by playing fun interactive games like below:

Click here

Remember to collect coins on ‘Times table Rock stars!’ Remember it is a competition between each class!



This half term, we will be learning about ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’. The pupils will be comparing and grouping everyday materials based on their properties, learning which materials dissolve and how mixtures might be separated.


This half term, we will be learning about  ‘Four and Six Figure Grid References’. The pupils will be extending their knowledge and understanding beyond their local area to include the United Kingdom, Europe, North America and South America. This will include the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features.


This half term, we will be learning about  ‘Ancient Greece’. The pupils will be learning about the significant periods of time for Ancient Greece, their beliefs, the birth of democracy in Athens, the importance of the Olympic Games and the impact Alexander the Great had on Ancient Greece.

Key Messages

Thank you for your ongoing support with our school uniform. We are really proud of our Year group!  PE is on a Tuesday, so please ensure that they attend school in their full PE kit.

SENCO drop in

If you would like to have a chat with the SENCO regarding any concerns of SEND issues please book an appointment slot at the office.

Links to help at home:








