“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.”
~ Stan Gudder ~
At Northfield St. Nicholas Primary Academy, we aim to offer pupils a rich and enjoyable experience in mathematics by providing the knowledge, skills, concepts and processes that are appropriate to each individual and that relate to the world around them. This provision should enable them to:
• Develop a positive and confident attitude towards mathematics and to achieve well in Mathematics.
• Develop logical thinking, enquiring minds and an ability to record in a systematic way.
• Use maths to interpret, predict, explain and solve problems involving as much practical/real life experiences as possible.
• To use their knowledge of mathematical language to talk about their work and explain their thinking/reasoning.
• Develop their ability to work independently and collaboratively, as appropriate.
• Use Computing equipment and programs within mathematics lessons to help in the development of their mathematical concepts. This equipment will include calculators, programmable resources, computers and iPads.
• Use their skills to make informed and responsible choices throughout their lives.
How do we learn math?
In maths, lessons are planned using high quality resources from White Rose and PIXL. This ensures we have a well-constructed, progressive curriculum and maintains focus on children learning in small steps and exploring topics deeply. Lessons consist of opportunities for fluency, variation of representation and mathematical thinking. All children use manipulatives and pictorial representations to expose and make connections within concepts. At Northfields, we emphasise the importance of pupils’ oral contributions and ensure that all children can contribute. Mathematical vocabulary is displayed and modelled and key questions and sentence starters support and challenge learners.
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots are online programmes, which are used to support maths learning at home, but also within school to develop times table knowledge and their mathematical understanding too.
Cross – Curricular Links
Opportunities to develop and apply mathematical knowledge is integrated across the curriculum, including the wider-curriculum of CUSP, predominantly within science, geography, history and computing. Additional time is taken out across the academic year to celebrate the learning of the mathematical curriculum with parents too. Parents are invited to Maths Cafes throughout the year to gain an understanding of the curriculum, but also appreciate how the pupils learn within their lessons.
Additional support is provided to pupils who need it to allow them to access the mathematical curriculum. The lessons are adapted accordingly to support the needs of the pupils to allow everyone to succeed and make progress within the lesson. Further support that pupils may receive are pre-teaching opportunities, guided groups and small group intervention led by teaching and support staff.
Mathematics at Northfields is inclusive and adapted for all. Some strategies we employ include but are not limited to:
• Using oracy.
• Making links to real life situations and scenarios.
• Using the visualiser and flipchart paper to model and address misconceptions.
• Teachers reduce the cognitive load by minimising information on PowerPoint slides
• Scaffolding and chunking up the lesson.
• An inclusive environment is created using examples that reflect the diversity of the world.
Useful Links:
Addition and subtraction calculation policy
Multiplication and Division calculation policy V2