Suffolk Young Carers
In school we support children who are registered with Suffolk Young Carers.
Young carers – this is a young person, who is caring for, or emotionally affected by a family member who has a physical or mental illness, disability or misuses drugs or alcohol.
Sibling carers – a young person who is affected by a brother or sister’s disability, illness or additional need.
As well as providing a safe space for our young carers to talk about any worries or concerns they have, we also hold regular lunchtime meetings where lunch is provided, along with arts and craft activities. We also have termly visits from Suffolk Young Carers advisors who provide fun activities for the children to participate in.
Our young carer ambassadors in school are positive role models to other young carers who also offer help and support to younger carers in school.
Bev Leech Mel Tindsley Young Carer School Ambassadors
SYC School Lead SYC Deputy School Lead
NSN Suffolk Young Carers Policy
For more information about Suffolk Young carers, please use the following link:
If you feel your child may qualify as a Suffolk Young Carer, Please speak to Mrs Leech or Mrs Tindsley.