It is vitally important that the children take pride in both the presentation of their work and also in their appearance, we expect all pupils to wear the correct uniform during the day and for PE. School uniform provides consistency and a sense of belonging for all children in all year groups, as well as helping to prepare those children who will be moving to secondary school at the end of the academic year.
We expect all parents and carers to support their child to have the correct uniform as detailed below.
Uniform 1
- Black or grey trousers or shorts
- Black or grey skirt or pinafore dress. Skirt length should be on the knee and skirt should be of a classic design e.g. A line, box pleat or kilt. Skirts made of jersey material or very short skirts will
not be permitted. (Leggings are not permitted and a purple school summer dress may be worn in warmer weather) - Purple sweatshirt or cardigan, school logo optional
- White polo shirt or school shirt
- Black flat shoes (No trainers, high heeled shoes or boots)
- Grey/black/white socks or grey/black tights to be worn
- (No stripes, patterned or sparkly garments)
Uniform 2
- Black or grey trousers or shorts
- White polo shirt or school shirt
- Purple sweatshirt, school logo optional
- Black flat shoes (not trainers or boots)
- Grey/black/white socks to be worn (no stripes, patterned or sparkly garments)
PE Kit
- Red polo shirt
- Black shorts
- Trainers
- Plain Black Tracksuit (for outdoor PE: Years 3-6)
- Hair tied back
- No jewellery for P.E.
Thank you for taking pride in your school uniform! Time for Change!!
School uniform provides consistency and a sense of belonging for all children in all year groups and significantly reduces bullying. Please can you note that there are two sets of uniform: Uniform 1 and Uniform 2—we support any child and their choice to pick one set of uniform and wear this in school. With your help we would like your high standards of appearance to continue -we hope that these guidelines prove helpful. For your information autumn term school uniform can be purchased either in store or on-line from local supermarkets. If you are having financial difficulties organising uniform we are happy to support you and your child, please contact the school office or the Pastoral Team for advice.
Take Pride in Your School Uniform
Uniform Policy NSN 2025
Screens School Wear
We encourage the wearing of school clothing bearing the school logo however this is not compulsory and plain clothing of the correct colour is also acceptable. If you wish to view the range of school branded clothing please click the link below.
We use a local Lowestoft company, Screens School Wear, to supply our branded uniform.